Experiences with Kyleena

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Active ingredient: Levonorgestrel
ATC Code: G02BA03

Level of

Level of Satisfaction 66%

What patients say...

Effectiveness 91%
Quantity of side effects 41%
Severity of side effects 16%
Ease of use 91%

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8/24/2020 | | 26moderated by Henry
Levonorgestrel (19,5MG) for Contraception / birth control

Positives: 1- Small, so placement didn't hurt, and no contact/pain during sex 2-Effectiveness 3- Price. IUDs are usually free with most healthcare Negatives: 1- Everyone's different, but it felt like I was PMSing 24-7. I was crazy bloated, had insane cravings (never liked sugar, but would regularly eat excessive sweets while I had it) 2- Weight gain. I thought females were full of it wh...
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3/14/2018 | | 37moderated by Charlotte
Levonorgestrel (19,5mg) for irregular menstrual cycle

getting this placed was a piece of cake! had some spotting for the first six weeks, just had my first menstruation and it really helped alleviate the flow. i am very happy!
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10/10/2017 | | 23moderated by Susan
Levonorgestrel (19,5mg) for contraception / birth control

Had Kyleena for about 5 months now and I'm really happy with it. Absolutely no negative side effects whatsoever. After a bit of spotting in the first week, I haven't had any periods at all. It was a little painful having it inserted, but it went away soon enough, for me.
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