Influence of genetics on your Diet

Do you have a genetic predisposition to lower levels of Vitamins and Minerals (micronutrients)? Will your body need a Mediterranean diet or a Hunter -Gatherer diet? Discover which diet suits your body and promotes your overall health and well-being. personal nutrition test

Small genetic differences can impact how your body metabolizes certain vitamins and minerals, meaning you may require higher amounts of specific nutrients to maintain optimal health. By analyzing your genes, we can identify these unique requirements and provide personalized dietary recommendations.

DNA Test
personal nutrition
human body
Discover what nutrients your body needs
Genetics can impact how your body metabolizes certain vitamins and minerals, meaning you may require higher amounts of specific nutrients to maintain optimal health.
  • Discover which diet suits your body and promotes your overall health and well-being.
  • Find out if you need to supplement Vitamins and Minerals (micronutrients).
  • Did you inherit Sensitivities or intolerances?
Find out what super charges your body.
personal nutrition

The Personal nutrition report is composed of three sections, one dedicated to micronutrients, another to diets and a last one to sensitivities.

Influence of genetics on micronutrients levels

Micronutrients are a group of essential vitamins and minerals that the body requires in small, but critical, amounts to maintain optimal health and proper functioning. Unlike macronutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, which are needed in larger quantities, micronutrients are required in much smaller doses. However, their impact on your overall health is profound.

Effect of genes on choosing the best diet for you

Genetics can play a crucial role in determining individuals' most beneficial dietary choices, as specific genetic variations can influence nutrient metabolism. Understanding these genetic variations through genetic testing can help adjust dietary recommendations to individual needs, potentially reversing the adverse effects of certain genetic predispositions and promoting overall health and well-being.

Influence of genetics on your Sensitivities

Sensitivities are conditions in which the body reacts more intensely to certain substances, often due to genetic factors. Unlike allergies, which provoke an immune response and can lead to symptoms like hives or anaphylaxis, sensitivities generally affect how the body processes and tolerates specific foods or compounds without triggering an immune response.

Do you see yourself here?
...then order a DNA test for yourself.

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Do you see yourself here? ...then order a DNA test for yourself.

Your DNA influences the result

Genetics can play a crucial role in determining individuals' most beneficial dietary choices, as specific genetic variations can influence nutrient metabolism. Understanding these genetic variations through genetic testing can help adjust dietary recommendations to individual needs, potentially reversing the adverse effects of certain genetic predispositions and promoting overall health and well-being.

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