Experiences with Overactive bladder

This page shows detailed information about a disease such as statistics, patient reviews and related articles.

Also known as:
ICD10/11 Code: U99
ICD10/11 Group: U00-U85, Codes for special purposes
Overactive bladder
Also known as: ---
ICD10/11 Code: U99, ICD10/11 Group: U00-U85, Codes for special purposes

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Reviews from the most used medicines for this disease


28/08/2021 | | 49moderated by Susan
darifenacin hydrobromide (7,5MG) for Overactive bladder

I've been taking Emselex 7.5 for just about 8 months and around 3 months ago I started having diarrhea almost daily. I've also been experiencing itchiness on my head for around 2 months and a week ago my arms, back, face and legs have been itchy. What's worse? Not being able to sleep because of an overactive bladder or because of being itchy all over?
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01/07/2017 | | 47moderated by Philip
solifenacin succinate (10mg) for overactive bladder

After a bladder infection I had more problems than when I had the infection itself. Lots of pressure and pain in my bladder. With this medicine the pain went away after a week and I can spend all day at a festival without feeling like I need to pee all the time. I took the side effects on the chin and figured that they weren't as bad as the hours of pain I was experiencing after I'd been to the...
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09/05/2017 | | 47moderated by Susan
solifenacin succinate (10mg) for overactive bladder

Overactive bladder. Peeing a lot. Now improved by more than half. Only problem is that I can't really read any more, my sight has really got worse in just three weeks. Dizzy. Hopefully this will get better.
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