Review about Levothyroxine

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9/6/2017 | | 67
Levothyroxine (137ug) for hypothyroidism

I have been treated since 1989 for a Hypothyroîdie Hyamachito, I have a dosage of 135 mg per day, apart from the first years when I encountered difficulties for the correct dosage, everything was going well without any side effects. Since May 2017, during the renewal of my prescription, I took the new formula of Levothyrox, I did not understand immediately the small health problems that gradually settled: headaches, excessive sweats, shortness of breath. I consulted my doctor, who sent me to the cardiologist, new blood test with dosage of P HS, which dropped abruptly. It's going to take me months to find the right dosage. The little jokers who have changed this formula, have they taken into account the cost to the S. S of all these new exams, and various analyses that patients will have to undergo so that everything to make in order. As for the doctors, they have undergone brainwashing, none will tell you that these changes are due to the new formula, who to believe? It's like the Chernobyl cloud that stopped at the French border!

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